A picture can be enjoyed purely as a work of art, but most of us cannot but be curious about its history, purpose and meaning. Where did it come from? Who commissioned it? What do we know of the life of the artist? Who was the sitter in the portrait or donor in the altarpiece? What are the scenes in the predella? What is the meaning of the allegory or literary source of the mythological subject? Was the picture part of a cycle? When and why did the altarpiece leave the chapel for which it was painted? Is the frame original? Where are the other panels from the dismembered polyptych now? Is the picture documented or mentioned by early writers? Has it always been attributed to the artist? Is the execution by the master himself or his workshop? Is it as well preserved as it appears, or has it been heavily restored or repainted?

It is to answer questions such as these that this book has been compiled. It brings together for the first time concise information on the paintings of some eighty Italian Renaissance masters. It is a book for those who love Italian Renaissance pictures, for visitors to art galleries and exhibitions, but most of all for visitors to Italy where so many great treasures can still be enjoyed in situ.

An artist’s oeuvre is rarely certain. Even when a picture is securely documented or authentically signed, there is not absolute proof that it is by the artist’s own hand. (An artist might sign a contract promising to paint a work himself and then delegate the whole project to his apprentices. He might sign a picture executed in his workshop by an assistant.) Scientific tests (radiography, infra-red photography and analysis of materials) can weed out later imitations and forgeries but rarely yield data specific enough to establish conclusively that a picture is by a particular hand. Attribution still relies heavily on traditional connoisseurship, which assigns a work to an artist on the strength of comparisons with pictures known to be his. That can be difficult where works certainly by the artist are few or vary in style or quality, where gifted contemporaries worked in a similar manner, or where competent pupils or followers had assimilated the painter’s style and technique. For many painters, there are considerable differences in the catalogues of autograph works compiled by different art historians (and even sometimes the same historian at different times).

The entries in this book do not argue for or against particular attributions, but try merely to summarise published opinion. Particularly for those extraordinarily prolific Venetians Titian, Tintoretto and Veronese, it would have been impossible to include every attributed picture. But I have tried to include the most important and accessible works.

All the pictures included are believed to be where they are stated to be, and to be (more of less) accessible to the public. However, many of the more celebrated galleries exhibit only a fraction of their possessions at any one time, and there is no guarantee that a particular work will always be on show. Some great galleries lend works to smaller museums. A picture may have been removed from a church for restoration or safekeeping. Sometimes the church itself may be closed for restoration. Many of the smaller Italian museums are also liable to be unexpectedly in restauro. Works in the British Royal Collection are exhibited at Hampton Court Palace, Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace and Kensingston Palace. They are frequently moved, and are entered here simply under 'London, Royal Collection'.   

This is a work for quick reference – more guidebook than scholarly catalogue; and it would have been impossibly cumbersome to include exhaustive references (which can usually be easily found on the Internet and in electronic library catalogues). However, the monographs and the museum catalogues and guides that I have found most useful are listed in the bibliography. Colour illustrations of most paintings included can be easily found on the Internet. For more obscure works, Fondazione Zeri Catalogo is a valuable online archive of photographs (mostly black-and-white).

My thanks go to all those, at many museums, who helped me by answering queries and allowing me to see works that are not currently on display; to the Vatican authorities who allowed me to visit rooms in the Vatican Palace that are normally inaccessible to the public; to Tom Henry who commented on an earlier draft of the section on Luca Signorelli; to John and Lyndsey Bracken of Patina Art Collection Care for conversations about the condition and restoration of works of art; to Professor Shirley Williams and the late George Bull for encouragement; to librarians at the Victoria and Albert Museum and Fitzwilliam Museum who hunted down books for me; but particularly to my wife Carol who read every word, corrected my Italian translations and suggested many improvements. Mention must also be made of Enzo, Celia and Isabella Cammarota, Dinah Swayne and the late Marchesa Alessandra Brenciaglia, who were generous hosts and delightful companions on so many happy visits to Italy.



The website homepage shows details of the following works of art.

From right to left along the bottom: alleged portrait of Giotto from The Founders of Florentine Art, a cassone panel sometimes ascribed to Paolo Uccello (Louvre, Paris); musicians from Simone Martini’s fresco cycle of the Life of Saint Martin (San Francesco, Assisi); supposed self-portrait in Masaccio’s Saint Peter Enthroned (Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence); supposed self-portrait in Piero della Francesca’s Resurrection (Pinacoteca, Sansepolcro); Portrait of Giovanni Bellini by Vittore Belliniano (Musée Condé, Chantilly); supposed self-portrait in Botticelli’s Adoration of the Magi (Uffizi, Florence); supposed portrait of Leonardo as Plato in Raphael’s School of Athens (Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican); Portrait of Michelangelo by Marcello Venusti (Casa Buonarroti, Florence); Self-Portrait of Raphael (Uffizi, Florence); and Self-Portrait of Titian (Gemäldegalerie, Berlin).

Down the right side: Pietro Cavallini’s Last Judgement (Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rome); Botticelli’s Primavera (Uffzi, Florence); and Veronese’s Marriage at Cana (Louvre, Paris).



This bibliography is in three parts. The first lists general works of reference and books on particular periods or schools. The second includes guidebooks to Italy and catalogues of Italian Renaissance paintings in some major galleries and museums. The third lists studies of individual artists. The bias is towards books in English. Comprehensive bibliographies for each artist (up to 1996) can be found in the Dictionary of Art (ed. Jane Turner).



B. BERENSON, The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance. 1st edition, Putman, 1894. Final edition, Phaidon, 1957.
B. BERENSON, The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance. 1st edition, Putman 1896. Final edition, Phaidon, 1963.
B. BERENSON, The Central Italian Painters of the Renaissance. 1st edition, Putman, 1897.
B. BERENSON, The North Italian Painters of the Renaissance. 1st edition, Putman, 1907.
B. BERENSON, Italian Painters of the Renaissance: Central Italian and North Italian Schools, Phaidon, 1968.
D. A. BROWN and S. FERINO PAGDEN, Bellini, Giorgione, Titian and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting, Yale University Press, 2006.
E, CARLI, Sienese Painting, George Rainbird, 1958.
K. CHRISTIANSEN, L. B. KANTER and C. B. STREHLKE, Painting in Renaissance Siena, 1420-1500, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1988.
B. COLE, Sienese Painting in the Age of the Renaissance, Indiana University Press, 1985.
J. A. CROWE and D G. B. CAVALCASELLE, A History of Painting in Italy, 2nd edition (ed. Langton Douglas and T. Borenius), John Murray, 1903-12.
J. A. CROWE and D G. B. CAVALCASELLE, A History of Painting in Northern Italy (ed. T. Borenius), John Murray, 1912.
G. DINI, A. ANGELINI and B. SANI, Five Centuries of Sienese Painting, Thames and Hudson, 1997.
D. FRANKLIN, Painting in Renaissance Florence 1500-50, Yale University Press, 2001.
S. J. FREEDBERG, Painting in Italy 1500-1600, Penguin, 1971 and 1975.
E. G. GARDNER, Painters of the School of Ferrara, Duckworth, 1911.
L. GHIBERTI, I Commentari. Completed about 1447. Riccardo Ricciardi Editore, 1947. [An undated English translation made by members of staff of the Courtauld Institute exists as a photocopied typescript.]  
J. R. HALE (ed.), A Concise History of the Italian Renaissance, Thames and Hudson, 1983.
M. B. HALL, After Raphael: Painting in Central Italy in the Sixteenth Century, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
M. B. HALL (ed.), Rome, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
P. HUMFREY and M. KEMP (ed.), The Altarpiece in the Renaissance, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
P. HUMFREY, Painting in Renaissance Venice, Yale University Press, 1995.
T. HYMAN, Sienese Painting, Thames and Hudson, 2003.
L. B. KANTER et al., Painting and Illumination in Early Renaissance Florence, 1300-1450, Yale University Press, 1994.  
R. van MARLE, The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, 19 volumes, Nijhoff, 1923-38.
J. MARTINDALE and C. HOPE (ed.), The Genius of Venice, Royal Academy of Arts, 1983-84.
L. MURRAY, The High Renaissance and Mannerism, Thames and Hudson, 1978.
P. and L. MURRAY, Dictionary of Art and Artists, Thames and Hudson.
J. POPE-HENNESSY, Sienese Quattrocentro Painting, Phaidon, 1947.
J. POPE-HENNESSY, The Portrait in the Renaissance, Princeton University Press, 1966.
S. ROETTGEN, Italian Frescoes: The Flowering of the Renaissance, Abbeville Press, 1996.
J. STEER, Venetian Painting: A Concise History, Thames and Hudson, 1970.
J. A. SYMONDS, The Renaissance in Italy, Smith, Elder & Co., 1877.
L. SYSON (ed.), Renaissance Siena: Art for a City, Yale University Press, 2007.
J. TURNER (ed.), The Dictionary of Art, Grove, 1996.
G. VASARI, Lives of the … Painters, Sculptors and Architects. 1st edition 1550 and 2nd edition 1568. Selections trans. by George Bull, Penguin, 1965 and 1987.
J. WHITE, Art and Architecture in Italy, 1250-1400, Penguin, 1993.



L. BERTI (ed.), Gli Uffizi: Catalogo Generale, Florence, 1979.
BLUE GUIDES (to Northern Italy, Florence, Rome, Tuscany, Venice and Southern Italy), A & C Black.
M. BOSKOVITS, The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection: Early Italian Painting, London, 1990.
M. BOSKOVITS, D. A. BROWN and others, Italian Paintings of the Fifteenth Century in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2003.
M. BOSKOVITS, Italian Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century Paintings, National Gallery of Art Online Editions, 2016.
H. BRIGSTOCKE, Italian and Spanish Paintings in the National Gallery of Scotland, 1978.
M. CHIARINI and S. PADOVANI, La Galleria Palatina, Catalogo dei Dipinti, Centro Di, 2003.
B. B. FREDERICKSEN and F. ZERI, Census of Pre-19th Century Italian Paintings in North American Public Collections, Harvard University Press, 1972.
J. W. GOODWIN AND G. H. ROBERTSON, Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge, Catalogue of Paintings, Volume II: Italian Schools, 1967.
P. HENDY, European and American Painting in the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, 1974.
H. HONOUR, The Companion Guide to Venice, Collins.
M. LEVY, Florence: A Portrait, Pimlico, 1996.
C. LLOYD, Italian Paintings before 1600 in the Art Institute of Chicago, Princeton University Press, 1993.
C. LLOYD, A Catalogue of the Earlier Italian Paintings in the Ashmolean Museum, Clarendon Press, 1977.
LONDON, National Gallery Catalogues:
Earlier Italian Schools, by M. Davis, 1986.
Sixteenth Century Italian Schools, by Cecil Gould, 1975.
The Early Italian Schools before 1400, revised by Dillion Gordon, 1988.
The Fifteenth Century Italian Paintings, Volume I, by Dillion Gordon, 2003.
The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, Volume I, by Nicholas Penny, 2004
The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, Volume II, by Nicholas Penny, 2008.
G. MASSON, The Companion Guide to Rome, Collins.
M. NATALE, Museo Poldi Pezzoli: Dipinti, Electa Editore, 1982.
NEW YORK, Metropolitan Museum Catalogues (by F. Zeri and E. Gardner):
Florentine School, 1971.
Venetian School, 1973.
Sienese and Central Italian Schools, 1980.
Northern Italian Schools, 1986.
R. OERTEL, Italian Paintings of the Trecento to the end of the Renaissance [in the Munich Pinakothek], Hoimer, 1961.
J. POPE-HENNESSY, Italian Painting in the Robert Lehman Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1987.
ST PETERSBURG, Hermitage Catalogues:
Venetian Painting, 14th to 18th Centuries, by T. D. Fomichova, Giunti, 1992.
Italian Painting, 13th to 16th Centuries, by T. K. Kustodieva, Giunti, 1994.
G. N. SCIRÉ and F. VANCANOVER, Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia, Electra, 1985.
J. SHEARMAN, Early Italian Pictures in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen, Cambridge University Press, 1983.
C. B. STREHLKE, Italian Paintings, 1250-1450, in the John G. Johnson Collection and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2004.
P. TORITTI, La Pinacoteca Nazionale di Siena, two volumes, Sagep Editore, 1977 and 1978.
L. WHITAKER and M. CLAYTON, The Art of Italy in the Royal Collection: Renaissance and Baroque, Royal Collection Publications, 2007.




J. RICHARDS, Altichiero: An Artist and His Patrons in the Italian Trecento, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Andrea del Sarto

H. GUINNESS, Andrea del Sarto, Bell, 1901.
S. J. FREEDBERG, Andrea del Sarto, Harvard University Press, 1963.
J. SHEARMAN, Andrea del Sarto, Clarendon Press, 1965.
Andrea del Sarto: Dipinti e Disegni a Firenze. Catalogue of exhibition at the Pitti Palace, Florence, 1986-87.
A. NATALI, Andrea del Sarto, Abbeville Press, 1999.


Fra Angelico

R. LANGTON DOUGLAS, Fra Angelico, Bell, 1902.
J. POPE-HENNESSY, Fra Angelico, Phaidon, 1952 and 1974.
W. HOOD, Fra Angelico at San Marco, Yale University Press, 1993.
J. T. SPIKE, Fra Angelico, Abbeville Press, 1997.
C. B. STREHLKE, Angelico, Jaca, 1998.
L. KANTER and P. PALLADINO, Fra Angelico. Catalogue of exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Yale University Press, 2005.

Antonello da Messina

S. BOTTARI, Antonello, Principato, 1953.
G. VIGNI, All the Paintings of Antonello da Messina, Oldbourne, 1963.
M. LUCCO, Antonello da Messina, L’Opera Completa, Silvana Editorale, 2006.

Fra Bartolommeo

C. FISCHER, Fra Bartolommeo: Master Draughtsman of the Renaissance, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 1990.
S. PADOVANI (ed.), Fra Bartolomeo. Catalogue of exhibition at the Pitti Palace and San Marco Museum, Marsilio, 1996.

Jacopo Bassano

P. ZAMPETTI, Jacopo Bassano, Rome, 1958.
B. L. BROWN and P. MARINI (ed.), Jacopo Bassano, c.1510-1590. Catalogue of exhibition at Fort Worth and Bassano del Grappa, 1992.
B. ALKEMA, Jacopo Bassano and His Public, Princeton University Press, 1996.

Domenico Beccafumi

G. BRIGANTI and E. BACCHESCHI, L’Opera Completa del Beccafumi, Rizzoli Editore, 1977.
Domenico Beccafumi e Il Suo Tempo. Catalogue of exhibition at Siena, Electa, 1990.
P. TORRITI, Beccafumi, Electa, 1998.

Gentile Bellini

J. MEYER ZUR CAPELLEN, Gentile Bellini, Franz Steiner, 1985.
C. CAMPBELL and A. CHONG, Bellini and the East. Catalogue of exhibition at the National Gallery, London, 2005.

Giovanni Bellini

R. FRY, Giovanni Bellini, At the Sign of the Unicorn, 1899.
P. HENDY and L. GOLDSCHEIDER, Giovanni Bellini, Oxford University Press, 1945.
G. ROBERTSON, Giovanni Bellini, Clarendon Press, 1968.
R. GOFFEN, Giovanni Bellini, Yale University Press, 1989.
A. TEMPESTINI, Giovanni Bellini, Abbeville Press, 1999.

Jacopo Bellini

C. EISLER, The Genius of Jacopo Bellini, British Museum Publications, 1988.

Benozzo Gozzoli

C. A. LUCHINAT (ed.), The Chapel of the Magi: Benozzo Gozzoli’s Frescoes in the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi Florence, Thames and Hudson, 1993.
C. A. LUCHINAT, Benozzo Gozzoli, Scala, Riverside, 1994.
D. C. AHL, Benozzo Gozzoli, Yale University Press, 1996.

Paris Bordone

G. CANOVA, Paris Bordon, Edizione Alfiere, 1964.
Paris Bordon e il Suo Tempo. Proceedings of a symposium held in Treviso in October 1985. Canova, 1987.

Sandro Botticelli

H. HORNE, Alessandro Filipepi, Commonly Called Botticelli, Painter of Florence, Bell, 1907.
L. VENTURI, Botticelli, Allen & Unwin, 1937.
R. SALVINI, Tutta la Pittura del Botticelli, Oldbourne, 1965.
R. LIGHTBOWN, Botticelli, Elek, 1978.
R. LIGHTBOWN, Sandro Botticelli: Life and Works, Thames and Hudson, 1989.
A. CECCHI, Botticelli, Federico Motta Editore, 2005.
F. ZOLLNER, Sandro Botticelli, Prestel, 2005.

Bramante and Bramantino

A. BRUSCHI, Bramante, Thames and Hudson, 1977.
G. A. DELL’AQUA and G. MULAZZANI, L’Opera Completa di Bramantino e Bramante Pittore, Rizzoli Editore, 1978.

Agnolo Bronzino

A. K. McCOMB, Agnolo Bronzino, His Life and Works, Harvard University Press, 1928.
J. COX-REARICK, Bronzino’s Chapel of Eleonora in the Palazzo Vecchio, University of California Press, 1993.
E. PILLIOD, Pontormo, Bronzino, Allori. Yale University Press, 2001.
C. McCORQUODALE, Bronzino, Chaucer Press, 2005.

Vittore Carpaccio

J. LAUTS, Carpaccio: Paintings and Drawings, Phaidon, 1962.
V. SGARBI, Carpaccio, Abbeville Press, 1979.
P. HUMFREY, Carpaccio, Chaucer Press, 2005.

Andrea del Castagno

M. HORSTER, Andrea del Castagno, Phaidon, 1980.
J. R. SPENCER, Andrea del Castagno and His Patrons, Duke University Press, 1991.

Pietro Cavallini

P. TOESCA, Pietro Cavallini, Oldbourne Press, 1960.
P. HETHERINGTON, Pietro Cavallini: A Study in the Art of Late Medieval Rome, Sagittarius Press, 1979.
A. TOMEI, Pietro Cavallini, Silvana, 2000.

Cima da Conegliano

P. HUMFREY, Cima da Conegliano, Cambridge University Press, 1983.


E. BATTISTA, Cimabue, Pennsylvania University Press, 1967.
E. SIDONA, l’Opera Completa di Cimabue e Il Momento Figuraturo Pregiottesco, Rizzoli Editore, 1975.
L. BELLOSI, Cimabue, Abbeville Press, 1998.


S. J. C. BRINTON, Correggio, Bell, 1900.
A. BEVILACQUA and A. C. QUINTAVALLE, L’Opera Completa del Correggio, Rizzoli Editore, 1970.
D. EKSERDJIAN, Correggio, Yale University Press, 1997.

Carlo Crivelli

G. McNEIL RUSHWORTH, Carlo Crivelli, Bell, 1900.
A. BOSERO, Opera Completa del Crivelli, Rizzoli Editore, 1975.
R. LIGHTBOWN, Carlo Crivelli, Yale University Press, 2004.

Bernardo Daddi

R. OFFNER (with additional material by M. BOSKOVITS and E. LUSANNA), The Works of Bernardo Daddi, Giunti, 1989.
R. OFFNER (with additional material by M. BOSKOVITS), Bernardo Daddi, His Shop and Following, Giunti, 1991.
R. OFFNER (with additional material by M. BOSKOVITS), Bernardo Daddi and His Circle, Giunti, 2001.

Domenico Veneziano

H. WOHL, The Paintings of Domenico Veneziano: A Study in the Florentine Art of the Early Renaissance, Phaidon, 1980.

Dosso Dossi

A. MEZZETTI, Il Dosso e Battista Dossi, Silvana, 1965.
P. HUMFREY and M. LUCCO, Dosso Dossi: Pittore di Corte a Ferrara nel Rinascimento, Ferra Arte, 1998.
L. CIAMMITTI, S. F. OSTROW and S. SETTIS, Dosso’s Fate: Painting and Court Culture in Renaissance Italy, Getty Research Institute, 1998.

Duccio di Buoninsegna

J. H. STUBBLEBINE, Duccio di Buoninsegna and His School, Princeton University Press, 1979.
J. WHITE, Duccio, Tuscan Art and the Medieval Workshop, Thames and Hudson, 1979.
L. BELLOSI, Duccio: The Maestà, Thames and Hudson, 1999.
A. BAGNOLI and others, Duccio alle Origini della Pittura Senese. Catalogue of exhibition at Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, Silvana Editoriale, 2003.

Ercole de’ Roberti

J. MANCA, The Art of Ercole de’ Roberti, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
M. MOLTENI, Ercole de’ Roberti, Milan, 1995.
Ercole de’Roberti. Catalogue of exhibition at the J. P. Getty Museum, 27 April to 11 July 1999. Published in the Burlington Magazine, April 1999.


S. R. McKILLOP, Franciabigio, University of California Press, 1974.

Taddeo Gaddi

A. LADIS, Taddeo Gaddi: Critical Reappraisal and Catalogue Raisonné, University of Missouri Press, 1982.

Gentile da Fabriano

K. CHRISTIANSEN, Gentile da Fabriano, Cornell University Press, 1982.
L. LAUREATI and L. M. ONORI (ed.), Gentile da Fabriano and the Other Renaissance, Electa, 2006.

Domenico Ghirlandaio

J. LAUTS, Ghirlandaio, Vienna, 1943.
E. MICHELETTI, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Scala/Riverside, 1990.
J. CADOGAN, Domenico Ghirlandaio: Artist and Artisan, Yale University Press, 2000.


L. COLETTI, All the Paintings of Giorgione, Oldbourne, 1961.
J. ANDERSON, Giorgione, Editions de la Lugune-Paris, 1996.
T. PIGNATTI and F. PEDROCCO, Giorgione, Rizzoli, 1999.

Giotto di Bondone

A. MARTINDALE and E. BACCHESCHI, Giotto di Bondone: The Complete Paintings, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969.
J. H. STUBBLEBINE, Giotto: The Arena Chapel Frescoes, Norton, 1969.
A. SMART, The Assisi Problem and the Art of Giotto, Clarendon Press, 1971.
A. DERBES and M. SANDONA (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Giotto, Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Giulio Romano

F. HARTT, Giulio Romano, Yale University Press, 1958.
E. GOMBRICH and others, Giulio Romano (exhibition catalogue), Electa, 1989.

Leonardo da Vinci

K. CLARK, Leonardo da Vinci: An Account of His Development as an Artist, Penguin, 1958.
M. POMILIO and A. OTTINO DELLA CHIESA, Leonardo Pittore, Rizzoli Editore, 1978.
J. WASSERMAN, Leonardo da Vinci, Thames and Hudson, 1992.
D. BROWN, Leonardo da Vinci: Origins of a Genius, Yale University Press, 1998.
P. C. MARANI, Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings, Harry N. Abrams, 2000.
F. ZOLLNER, Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings, Taschen, 2003 (new edition 2017).
L. SYSON et al.Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan. Catalogue of the exhibition held at the National Gallery, London. Yale University Press, 2011.  

Filippino Lippi

L. BERTI, Filippino Lippi, Arnaud 1957 (revised 1992).
G. R. GOLDNER and C. C. BAMBACH, The Drawings of Filippino Lippi and His Circle. Catalogue of exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Harry H. Abrams, 1997.
P. ZAMBRANO and J. K. NELSON, Filippino Lippi, Mondadori Electa, 2004.

Fra Filippo Lippi

E. C. STRUTT, Fra Filippo Lippi, Bell, 1906.
J. RUDA, Fra Filippo Lippi: Life and Work with a Complete Catalogue, Phaidon, 1993 and 1999.
M. HOLMES, Fra Filippo Lippi: The Carmelite Painter, Yale University Press, 1999.

Ambrogio Lorenzetti

G. ROWLEY, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Princeton University Press, 1958.

Pietro Lorenzetti

C. VOLPE, Pietro Lorenzetti, Electa, 1989.

Lorenzo Lotto

P. BIANCONI, Tutta la Pittore di Lorenzo Lotto, Rizzoli Editore, 1955.
B. BERENSON, Lorenzo Lotto, Phaidon, 1956.
J. BONNET, Lorenzo Lotto, Adam Biro, 1996.
P. HUMFREY, Lorenzo Lotto, Yale University Press, 1997.
A. BROWN, P. HUMFREY and M. LUCCO, Lorenzo Lotto: Rediscovered Master of the Renaissance, Yale University Press, 1997.

Lorenzo Monaco

M. EISENBERG, Lorenzo Monaco, Princeton University Press, 1989.
L. B. KANTER et al., Painting and Illumination in Early Renaissance Florence, 1300-1450, Exhibition catalogue: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1994. 

Andrea Mantegna

M. CRUTWELL, Andrea Mantegna, Bell, 1901.
R. LIGHTBOWN, Mantegna, Oxford, 1986.
J. MARTENEAU (ed.), Andrea Mantegna. Catalogue of exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, and Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1992.

Masaccio and Masolino

L. BERTI, Masaccio, Contini, 1988.
P. JOANNIDES, Masaccio and Masolino: A Complete Catalogue, Phaidon, 1993.
J. SPIKE, Masaccio, Abbeville Press, 1996.

Maso di Banco

D. G. WILKINS, Maso di Banco: A Florentine Artist of the Trecento, Garland, 1985.

Melozzo da Forlì

N. CLARK, Melozzo da Forlì: Pictor Papalis, Sotheby’s Publications, 1990.


J. A. SYMONDS, The Life of Michelangelo, John C. Nimmo, 1893.
C. HOLROYD, Michelangelo (with translation of the Life by Condivi), Duckworth, 1911.
L. D. ETTLINGER and E. CAMESASCA, The Complete Paintings of Michelangelo, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969.
L. GOLDSCHEIDER, Michelangelo: Paintings, Sculpture and Architecture, Phaidon, 1975.
H. HIBBARD, Michelangelo, Penguin, 1992.
F. ZOLLNER, C. THOENES AND T. POPPER, Michelangelo: Complete Works, Taschen, 2007.

Moretto da Brescia

G, GOMBOSI, Moretto da Brescia, Basle, 1943.
C. A. DELL’ACQUA and others, Il Moretto. Catalogue of exhibition at Brescia, Nuova Alfa, 1988.


M. BOSKOVITS, ‘Orcagna in 1357 – and in Other Times.’ Burlington Magazine, May 1971.
G. KREYTENBERG, Andrea di Cione: Ein Universeller Künstler der Gotik in Florenz, P. von Zabern, 2000.

Palma Vecchio

G. MARIACHER, Palma Il Vecchio, Milan, 1968.
R. RYLANDS, Palma Vecchio, Cambridge University Press, 1992.


S. J. FREEDBERG, Parmigianino: His Works in Painting, Harvard University Press, 1950.
C, GOULD, Parmigianino, Abbeville Press, 1995.
D. FRANKLIN, The Art of Parmigianino. Catalogue of exhibition at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, and the Frick Collection, New York, Yale University Press, 2003.

Pietro Perugino

G. C. WILLIAMSON, Pietro Vannucci: called Perugino, Bell, 1900.
E. H. HUTTON, Perugino, Duckorth, 1906.
E. CAMEASCA, Tutta la Pittura del Perugino, Rizzoli Editore, 1959.
E. SCARPELLINI, Perugino, Electa, 1984.
J. A. BECHERER, Pietro Perugino: Master Painter of the Italian Renaissance. Catalogue of exhibition organised by the Grand Rapids Art Museum, Rizzoli Editore, 1997-98.

Piero della Francesca

P. HENDY, Piero della Francesca and the early Renaissance, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1968.
K. CLARK, Piero della Francesca, Phaidon, 1969.
M. A, LAVIN, Piero della Francesca, Thames and Hudson, 1992.
C. BERTELLI, Piero della Francesca, Yale University Press, 1992.
R. LIGHTBOWN, Piero della Francesca, Abbeville Press, 1992.
J. M. WOODS (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Piero della Francesca, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Piero di Cosimo

R. LANGTON DOUGLAS, Piero di Cosimo, University of Chicago, 1946.
M. BACCI, L’Opera Completa di Piero di Cosimo, Rizzoli Editore, 1976.
S. FERMOR, Piero di Cosimo: Fiction, Invention and Fanasia, Reakion Books, 1993.
D. GERONIMUS, Piero di Cosimo, Yale University Press, 2006.

Bernardo Pintoricchio

E. M. PHILLIPS, Pintoricchio, Bell, 1901.
E. CARLI, Il Pintoricchio, Electa, 1960.
C. A. LUCHINAT, Pintoricchio, Scale, 1999.
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Antonio Pisanello

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Antonio and Piero Pollaiuolo

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Jacopo Pontormo

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Rosso Fiorentino

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Francesco Salviati

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Girolamo Savoldo

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Sebastiano del Piombo

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Luca Signorelli

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Simone Martini

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Jacopo Tintoretto

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Cosmè Tura

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Paolo Uccello

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Perino del Vaga

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Paolo Veronese

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Andrea Verrocchio

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Alvise Vivarini

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Antonio and Bartolomeo Vivarini

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